WWFHK Infographic Series: Sustainable Development of Our Ocean


  • WWF Hong Kong


How do we move towards environmental, social and economic sustainability? We worked with WWFHK on this series of infographics to illustrate the development history of Lantau Island, and also visualise WWFHK’s requests on how to strike a balance between conservation and development. The infographics are presented to the press and distributed to the public through the social media.

Save Dolphin Home From Brink

Key Infographic for “Sustainable Development of Our Ocean” Inititaive in English and Traditional Chinese

“A Safe Haven for Dolphins” infographic in two language versions

Bilingual Infographics for Social Media use

Sample Image

“Make SW Lantau Marine Park Work” Bilingual Infographics

Sample Image

“Set Up Win-Win Marine Conservation Network” Bilingual Infographics

Sample Image

“Develop First, Conserve Later?” Bilingual Infographics


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