DNA Technology in Cancer Screening Tests and Relationship Tests


  • Acecgt Diagnostic
  • DNA Laboratory


Advanced DNA technology can now safely detect life-threatening cancers at the early stage, and accurately conduct relationship test to confirm if two people are related.  AceCGT, a bio-technology company, launched a series of 3 infographics to clearly illustrate the procedures and details of the tests in order to let the public quickly grasp the advantages of the tests ― safe and accurate.


Early Lung Cancer Screening Test Infographic

Early Lung Cancer Test Infographics in both English and Traditional Chinese versions

Screening Tests Introduction Infographic

Screening Test Infographics in both English and Traditional Chinese versions

Explanatory Animated GIFs

Simple and concise animations in animated GIFs make information easier to understand and better to recall.

Sample Image
Sample Image

Relationship Test Infographic

Relationship Test Infographics in both English and Traditional Chinese versions


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